Hello my name is Gilbert Hernandez and I have announced my candidacy and my desire to represent you and your children for the position of LISD Trustee District 7. My goal is to give teachers and students the tools for success. To do this we need to make LISD a place where employees, teachers, and administrators want to work, a place where students want to learn, and a place where parents can be assured that their children will succeed.
I will make sure that we provide a safe and secure learning environment at schools for students to learn. I will work to provide teachers the resources needed for instruction. Improve the pay and benefits for teachers and employees while seeking recruitment of new teachers and retention of current ones. I will conduct regular meetings with parents and teachers of all the campus' to address concerns.
Citizens of District 7 I humbly ask for your support and your vote so that we can work together to help our kids succeed.
Gilbert Hernandez